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英语翻译学习笔记 中华人民共和国中外合资经营

编辑整理:中山自考网    发布时间:2018-05-23 12:28:01    浏览热度:28   [添加招生老师微信]


1. 中华人民共和国为了扩大国际经济合作和技术交流,允许外国公司、企业和其它经济组织或个人(以下简称外国合营者),按照平等互利的原则,经中国政府批准,在中华人民共和国境内,同中国的公司、企业或其它经济组织(以下简称中国合营者)共同举办合营企业。With a view to expanding international economic cooperation and technological exchange, the People's Republic of China permits foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations or inspaniduals (hereinafter referred to as "foreign joint venturers") to establish equity joint ventures together with Chinese companies, enterprises or other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as Chinese joint venturers") within the territory of the People's Republic of China on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and subject to approval by the Chinese Government.
    “with a view to doing sth”是个正式的书面语,意为:with the intention or hope of doing sth有做某事的打算或希望。
    例:He is decorating the house with a view to selling it. 他正在装修这所房子,想把它卖了。

2. 中国政府依法保护外国合营者按照经中国政府批准的协议、合同、章程在合营企业的投资、应分得的利润和其他合法权益。The Chinese Government protects, according to the law, the investment of foreign joint venturers, the profits due them and their other lawful rights and interests in an equity joint venture, pursuant to the agreement, contract and articles of association approved by the Chinese Government.
    “依法according to the law”作为插入语,而且很简短,放在动词“protects”之后无妨。“the investment of foreign joint venturers, the profits due them and their other lawful rights and interests in an equity joint venture”为三个并列的宾语,均为名词加一个限定语,结构非常平稳。
    “按照经中国政府批准的协议、合同、章程”译作一个形容词短语“pursuant to the agreement, contract and articles of association approved by the Chinese Government”,放在句末。“pursuant to...”的意思是“in accordance with..."。此类短语最常见的位置就是句首或句末。

3. 在特殊情况下,根据社会公共利益的需要,对合营企业可以依照法律程序实行征收,并给予相应的补偿。Under special circumstances, when public interest requires, equity joint ventures may be requisitioned by following legal procedures and appropriate compensation shall be made.

4. 合营企业的形式为有限责任公司。An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company.
    翻译此句时应考虑到英汉主谓搭配问题,不能全盘照搬。汉语的主语是“形式”,英语的主语是“An equity joint venture”,所以选用“take the form of...”这个谓语形式。

5. 合营企业各方可以现金、实物、工业产权等进行投资。The parties to an equity joint venture may make their investment in cash, in kind or in industrial property rights, etc.
    “in kind”是个习语,意为:(of payment) in goods or natural produce, not in money (指偿付)以实物偿付。
    例:When he had no money, the farmer sometimes used to pay me in kind, eg with a sack of potatoes. 那个农民没有现款时,有时候给我些东西抵帐(如给一袋土豆)。

6. 如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。In case of losses caused by a foreign joint venturer in its practicing deception through the intentional provision of outdated technology and equipment, it shall compensate for the losses.
    “in case of sth”意为:if sth happens若发生某事,假如。
    此句译文的结构相当紧凑,层次交待得也很清楚。“In case of losses”是“如果造成损失”,然后用一个限定成分说明怎样造成的损失。
    另外,虽然原句是无主句,但英文还是需要主语的,故加了“it”,指代“a foreign joint venturer”。

7. 上述各项投资应在合营企业的合同和章程中加以规定,其价格(场地除外)由合营各方评议商定。The above-mentioned investments shall be specified in the contract and articles of association of the equity joint ventrue and their value (excluding that of the site) shall be asssessed by all parties to the venture.
    “specify”意为:state clearly and definitely确切说明;明确规定。
    “assess”意为:decide or fix the value of (sth); evaluate确定,评定(某事物)的价值;估价。
    “场地除外”是指场地的价格除外,故译作“that of the site”,“that”指代“value”。

8. 出口产品可由合营企业直接或与其有关的委托机构向国外市场出售,也可通过中国的外贸机构出售。It may sell its export products on foreign markets directly or through associated agencies or China's foreign trade agencies.
     原文含有被动意思,但上一句用“an equity joint venture”作主语,故本句译文继续以此作主语,只是用代词“it”来表示。这样译的好处就是上下文比较顺畅。

9. 鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。A foreign joint venturer shall be encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China foreign exchange which it is en单元内容浏览d to remit abroad.
    “in the Bank of China”插在“foreign exchange”前面是为了让“which”引导的修饰语能紧跟在所修饰的“foreign exchange”后面。
    “en单元内容浏览 sb to do sth”意为:give sb a right to have or do sth给某人获得做某事的权利,使某人有资格做某事。





