aquamarine n. bluish green 蓝绿色
biannual a. every two years 一年两次的
brash a. hasty and too bold 轻率的;鲁莽的
calculate v. plan or design 计划,打算
colourwise ad. in connection with colour 与颜色有关地
compromise n. act of settling an argument by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides 妥协,和解
coordinate v. work together, esp. to increase effectiveness 协作;协调
denim n. jeans 工装裤;牛仔裤
spanersity n. variety 多样性
docile a. easily trained or controlled 容易驯服的;驯顺的,驯良的
ecru n. a pale dull yellowish brown 淡褐色
eye-dazzling a. making unable to see clearly because of too much light or brilliance, etc. 令人眼花缭乱的
femininity n. quality of being suitable for women 女子的气质,女人气
garishly ad. over-colouredly 花花绿绿地;过于花哨地
intangible a. that cannot be touched or grasped 触摸不到的;不可捉摸的
intensity n. strength or depth (of feeling, colour, etc.) 强度;深度
interior n. the inside of a building 内部
pastel n. soft, light, delicate shades of colour 彩色蜡笔
profusion n. abundance, great supply 丰富;大量
prompt v. help to bring ;cause or urge to do sth. 有助于;促使
reorientate v. give different direction or guidance to 再定方向;转而导向
ruby n. red jewel 红宝石
sans prep. without 无,没有
savannah n. treeless, grassy plain in tropical and subtropical America and East and
本文标签:中山自考 串讲笔记 自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT-18